While unloading my cart at the Publix check out, I turned to the man behind me and apologized for having so many items. I wanted to make sure he knew he should go to a shorter line. He smiled and said "It's ok."
I knew he was watching as I handed the clerk my stack of green "green" canvas bags. As the bag boy loaded up my grocery items in my earth friendly bags instead of the plastic ones, the man asked "How much are these?" I turned to see that he had one of the store's canvas bags in his hand. When the clerk answered 99 cents, he pulled several off the rack to add to his own purchases.
I may be taking liberties here but I think I influenced him just a little. You never know when someone is watching you. Go forth, be a good example, and feel great that every little bit helps.
"Then the LORD God took the man and put him into the garden
of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. " Genesis 2:15 NAS