I never think about my age on my birthday; however I do think about my children's ages. Where did the time go?
I am very thankful that God gave me another year but I am no different than most. I do not like to dwell on my age only because the older you get the faster the days go by. I have so many projects I would like to accomplish that I do not want to consider the clock ticking on my time. I now dislike going into the Post Office because at the desk there is that clock ticking away the seconds. If you have to wait in line for your turn, then you must watch your life go by second by second. I pity those postal workers!
When you need to know my age I think it says more about you than me. Actually I am a little put off by persons asking my age. What I wonder is this. Why is it so important to know my age. If you think I am younger than I am would you change your opinion of me if you learned I am older. And if you think I am older and then learn my age, would that make a difference in how you treat me? Can we only be friends if we are the same age? Kind of takes you back to grade school, doesn't it?
I don't like the way society tags an age on people for everything. If your name is in the news for an achievement, there is your age as if it is very important to the story. I don't get it.
As I live out each day of my life I dwell on my age even less than I dwell on my weight. It just isn't very important in the grand scheme of things. Maybe one day when death is knocking at the door, I will be caught by surprise and say, "Wait, I didn't think I was that old!"
Birthday's could be much more exciting if everyone around me did not constantly remind me of the down side of aging. We talk about "aging" as if it is a disease that only afflicts a certain pitiful group. If the definition of aging is "the process of growing older" then anyone fortunate enough to be living is "aging", which makes it a desired process. And "aging" has been a positive experience for me in that it has caused me me to take more seriously the goals I want to accomplish. I have stopped procrastinating and gotten busy doing the things I “always wanted to do” and spending precious time with my family instead of thinking time is unlimited. Those were positive changes.
It seems everyone around me is determined that I feel as old as they evidently do. When my sister calls or e-mails me it is a sure thing that she will either mention age or ask if my husband has retired. I wonder, is she constantly thinking about her age? This really surprises me because she is a very busy person. She can hardly wait to reach retirement age. I am already where I want to be. I fired my boss in order to write and, Lord willing, I will write long past retirement age. Those who are longing for retirement may not be fully enjoying the now. I am not putting life's pleasures on hold. We are not promised tomorrow.
The last straw was being asked to serve as Senior Citizens Director at my church. I am just not ready to be my mother's leader! I declined.
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