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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Toddlers, Tiaras & Swimsuits in Vegas

Am I just jaded from years of advocating for abused children in court and reading heartbreaking case files? I mean, is it just me? Or do others see the incongruity of little girls in two piece swim suits parading (or gyrating as a TV commentator remarked) their bodies in Vegas? Not to mention exposing your child on national television? What are these parents thinking?

What I am thinking is that every pedophile in America is TiVo-ing this program.

"For wisdom is better than rubies,
And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her."
Proverbs 8:11

1 comment:

ASH said...

I agree! It's the mothers wishing they were the ones up there doing that, but making their children do it instead. It's ridiculous and disgusting to dress your little girl up like that.