I believe in advocacy and have always used this verse to promote advocacy for those who cannot speak for themselves. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we must speak for our selves, also.
This week, my husband and I advocated for ourselves over a very simple (to us) issue and I am happy to report we were successful.
During all of the crazy family doings on Christmas,a gift card was misplaced.
Due to my very conscientious husband removing everything and trucking it away the very next day, we could not search through the gift wrap and boxes.
On Monday, after searching all possible places, we contacted the store where we had purchased the card. We knew we probably could not get a refund, but, in that case, we decided that we would purchase another card for the dear recipient.
While holding for further assistance my husband heard the head cashier say he was "s___ out of luck". When she returned to the phone, he reprimanded her with "Young lady, etc." He was not rude back to her but did tell her she should not speak that way to or about a customer.
After hanging up he called back to speak with the manager. After telling the manager what has transpired, and the manager stating he would speak to the employee, my husband suggested a written apology would be nice. The manager replied that was not going to happen.
Let me interject, that we have never had a problem with this store and have recently spent a good deal of money there on new appliances, paint, etc.
Because I have written many letters and court reports advocating for children, I offered to send an e-mail to the complaint department of the main office. I wrote the e-mail suggesting that with out the customer the employee would have no job. I added that, in this day of advanced technology I was surprised that a gift card # could not be cancelled and a refund or new card given. I ended with saying that we had planned to purchase another card but would now give the recipient cash rather than spend our money in this store. I was polite, but assertive in my value as a customer and my expectation of courteous service.
We received an immediate response asking for the store location and the receipt number.
Yesterday my husband received a phone call from the store (different manager)
and was told that the gift card was cancelled and a new one was in the mail!
Now what if we had just assumed we were out of luck?
On a similar note, asparagus has been puny, stunted in the supermarket for the past month. When I commented this week regarding the why of this, I was told that it is the consumer's fault!!
Why?...Because we keep purchasing it anyway instead of refusing poor quality.
Makes sense, doesn't it?
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
4th Day of Christmas - Gifts

Food and comfort... what more could we want?!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Life has thrown a few punches at us recently. But in the midst of serious concerns there is no reason to feel hopeless or helpless either, for that matter.
Knowing that God is in control and whatever happens He either planned for us or He is allowing to happen means that there is no need to worry or feel anxious. Even when my heart aches for a son who must deal with the ongoing issues of divorced parenting or my daughter who still waits for the gift of motherhood. Even then I know that God loves them and wants His best for them.
When my DH is faced with salary reductions and other job frustrations, I am thankful that he has a job. When my health issues prevent me from physically eating favorite foods or living a pain free energetic lifestyle,, I am assured that God wants me to appreciate other things in my life. (It does make me wonder what He is preparing us for in the future.)
I am happy when my family is happy, but more important than happiness is obedience to God's instructions. Obedience produces joy. I am praying that my children do not take as many years to figure this out as I have.
The third day of Christmas finds me physically tired after all of the celebration activities, but spiritually energized with joy!
"Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;" Romans 5:3
Sunday, December 27, 2009
On the Second Day of Christmas
Unbelievable,and yet not, coming from the resident curiosity seeker. When I answered no and failed to make a hasty retreat, the questions disguised as concern came next. My pre-planned answer of Only God knows the answer to that would have encouraged her to ask again next week.
The desire to give a rude reply was strong for a flashing second. Just a few moments earlier I had felt so close to God and had felt so grateful to Jesus for the sacrifice He had made for me. I was not going to let a rude person steal this from me. So, I patiently told this woman the medical reason my daughter was not with child. It was none of her business and I knew she just wanted to be 'in the know'. Yet, I still tried to explain. Just as my daughter had said, it made no difference. I still got the 'well, you never know, it can happen." response.
I do know. It has happened! Weren't you listening?
What is wrong with people?? Only a very close friend could have the privilege of asking that question and a close friend would know not to ask.
I almost let this ruin a perfectly good '2nd Day of Christmas'. Almost.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
The First Day of Christmas
We drove to an equestrian town with decorated horse statues scattered about. We explored little antique shops and dined in a blast from the past deli. The most memorable moment of the day was breaking and paying for a small piece of depression glass. So delicate and fragile that when it landed on the carpeted floor it shattered into a million pieces. I wish I had been quick thinking enough to tell the staff that I broke the piece. Then I would have achieved hero status in my daughter's eyes. LOL We made a hasty exit from the potential of additional disaster and headed out to peruse more stable wares. Good times!
I heard that many were busy taking down their Christmas decorations today and I am a little dismayed that Christmas is considered over instead of just beginning. I will not begin putting away the beautiful lights until the new year is upon us. To each his own; however, when it comes to celebrating the arrival of my Lord and Saviour the joyous occasion can continue even beyond Epiphany.
Friday, December 25, 2009
"He who has not Christmas in his heart,
Will not find it under a tree." Roy L. Smith
I often wonder what people are celebrating
when I observe the massive amount of lights,
snowmen and other inflatable decorations
covering the yards.
If they were all believers
and followers of Christ,
then the world would be
a great deal kinder
than it is.
What are they celebrating?
Homes are overflowing
with new toys, clothing
and electronics.
If they do not believe
in the Jesus
whose birth we honor...
What are they celebrating?
I wonder...
although I do not mind.
They resemble toddlers
who wave flags
at military parades.
The little ones do not know
about freedom
or valor.
Yet, they are swept along
by the excitement.
One day
the Christmas celebrants may understand
what it is they are celebrating.
I pray for that day to come.
"Behold, You desire truth in the inner being;
make me therefore to know wisdom
in my inmost heart."
Psalm 51:6
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
I love this song. It is depressingly sad, yet it draws me back to feel the pain again, maybe because somehow I want to fix things for those who are hurt. I want to never hurt those I love and I regret my failures of the past.
Regret hurts the heart and there is no rewind on our actions. It is a bittersweet song. A reminder that those who do the hurting want to stop as much as we want them to stop. They are trapped by their own memories.
"as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.
"Psalm 103:12