"He who has not Christmas in his heart,
Will not find it under a tree." Roy L. Smith
I often wonder what people are celebrating
when I observe the massive amount of lights,
snowmen and other inflatable decorations
covering the yards.
If they were all believers
and followers of Christ,
then the world would be
a great deal kinder
than it is.
What are they celebrating?
Homes are overflowing
with new toys, clothing
and electronics.
If they do not believe
in the Jesus
whose birth we honor...
What are they celebrating?
I wonder...
although I do not mind.
They resemble toddlers
who wave flags
at military parades.
The little ones do not know
about freedom
or valor.
Yet, they are swept along
by the excitement.
One day
the Christmas celebrants may understand
what it is they are celebrating.
I pray for that day to come.
"Behold, You desire truth in the inner being;
make me therefore to know wisdom
in my inmost heart."
Psalm 51:6
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