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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Prayers Needed!

A phone call, a frantic drive to the hospital and our granddaughter will arrive very soon. Hopefully, not until morning and without drama. Although drama is already present in this crisis.

At her appointment this afternoon it was discovered that there was very little amniotic fluid present and the baby must be delivered quickly. A nurse literally walked our daughter over to the hospital maternity floor where within minutes she was in bed and the baby was being monitored.

Because of the anticoagulant our daughter injects each morning, it will be very risky to deliver the baby before morning.

I am not sure who I am more afraid for, the baby or my daughter. They are one and the same now. I am begging God to cradle them both in His arms and let us, especially her, have this baby. Please God, do not take this gift from us now. And I have peace again. I know He has not brought us this far without a plan that will bring Him praise and glory.

" Let heaven and earth praise him, The seas, and everything that moveth therein."

Psalm 69:34

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