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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Think Before Using Free E-Cards!!

Do you send e-cards? Are you especially drawn to the FREE card sites? Be Careful How You "Make A Difference' online.

Maybe you were drawn in by the Care2 claim that by sending their cards you will " help save the rain forest". The site uses words like Inspiration, Love, Information and Action. I was introduced to this card site by a family member who loves animals and wants to protect them. And Care2 does love animals! Unfortunately they may love them more than they love human life!
But did you know that your card use could help support stem cell research? Maybe you don't know a lot about stem cell research, in that case they will gladly send you a primer with all the facts. They first get your attention with "sick children".The one thing you need to know is this blatant statement:

".. a tiny ball of cells growing in a culture dish cannot reasonably be equated to a human baby."

I wonder if this was derived after speaking with the parents whose children began in a culture dish?

This is pretty interesting since they list CHRISTIAN eCards in their list of cards available. They also list PAGAN CARDS. They believe in EARTHJUSTICE-Because the earth needs a good lawyer! I'll bet I am not the only one who thinks unborn babies need representation, too!

This is just the kind of web site that a child would be drawn to. The pictures of animals and the Earth friendly ads. Such an easy way to subtly own your child's mind.

Even many who are not christian or who have sick children are uneasy about stem cell research and the direction it could take. Perhaps some doors should never be opened.

Maybe you are in favor of stem cell research, but make sure you have all the facts before you influence your children with complicated ideas. God tells us in scripture:

"Now this is what the Lord Almighty says:
'Give careful thought to your ways.' "
Haggai 1:5
Show CARE 2 that you CARE TOO! Stick with proven Christian free cards such as

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Weekend Prayer Spa Booster

The prayer spa is such a good idea. I wish every stressed woman could experience a combination of prayer, spiritual cleansing and physical renewal.

I have found it a struggle to write during the past weeks. I struggle to wrap my brain around the fact that Julia is not here. I visit my brother and listen to his list of post death chores. It is unbelievable or unthinkable that there are those who call him and question decisions he has made. He simply did everything Julia asked of him.

I remember when our baby was critically ill and the doctors said "Prepare yourself, he isn't likely to make it through this." And, I thought, how do you prepare yourself? You are praying for a miracle, wouldn't preparing for disappointment reveal a lack of faith?

And we had an entire year to know that Julia would die from the melanoma. We didn't prepare because we were praying she would live. Later we were simply praying that she would live to see her daughter graduate college in May.

Three years of battling cancer and yet it seemed so sudden. I asked my brother, "Do you feel that it was too quick." And he answered, "Yes, even though Julia took a last look around our house before we left for the hospital."
Even though she told him she would not be returning home. It still seemed too soon.

Grief takes time, some say an entire year of firsts must go by before you can really move on. The first birthday, the first Christmas, etc.
Death is somewhat like birth. Mysterious and miraculous, too. Is it always such a surprise? The wonder of new life and the marvel of life leaving us to be with Jesus.

I know that thirty three years later I still feel a pang of sadness when I think of my baby. No wonder, only 6 weeks later I have not fully accepted that a family member is no longer on the earth. Why does the world not allow time to grieve. Why must we be rushed to return to our 'normal' routine. Even at church the bereavement/prayer list only posted Julia's name for one week. What?

With our baby the thought that haunted me was, "I forgot to put a blanket around him in the tiny casket." As if he would feel cold.

With Julia it is that I wanted to tell her to go find my daughters' babies and hold them for us until we arrived. (I promise I am not losin it. It is 2 a.m. and I think I might actually be asleep) I didn't tell her that because she was still fighting to live.
And we were still praying for a miracle.

Perhaps it is God's desire that we never feel totally content here on earth. There are better things, better times, in a better place.

OK, I think I am beginning to ramble. My point was, I have had trouble focusing on writing. Maybe writing the above has loosened the strap of grief around my heart.
Maybe the weekend at the Prayer Spa helped. Thank you Jesus!

Maybe in the morning I will read this and it won't make sense. But, God will make sense of it for me.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain:
for the former things are passed away.
Revelation 21:4

Friday, March 6, 2009

8 Months without a DISHWASHER

Month 1 - 22 year old dishwasher died.
Looked at dishwashers at Lowe's, couldn't
decide which one I wanted; didn't bother me much,
my husband did the dishes.

Month 2 - ditto

Month 3 - starting to feel a little bad, but his hands are so soft!

Month 4 - Thanksgiving cooking, the kids did the

dishes, it was hard to watch.

Month 5 - Christmas - Daughter brought paper plates to dinner!

Month 6 - Birthday dinner for hubby, I had to leave

for a meeting (honest) Kids did the dishes.

Month 7 - Dear Husband busy with pastor search committee (hmm... is he eating out a lot?) had to do some dishes myself, immediately started to dream of a spiffy new model.

Month 8 - After much deliberation I finally
chose one.
But I could have made it until Easter.